About Orion
Orion Development Group is the premier strategic process management training and consulting firm in America. We show our clients how to achieve sustainable strategic success by creating and leveraging process excellence. Since 1993, Orion has been a thought leader in this arena.
What is Good BPM?
Bob Boehringer explains the proper, integrated perspective for effective process management.
Our Services
Over the last 25+ years, Orion has helped more than 500 clients implement mission-critical projects. These projects have enabled public- and private-sector organizations to:
- Streamline processes to reduce costs and increase capacity
- Innovate processes and optimize the application of new technology
- Organize/manage with a focus on cross-functional customer value
- Develop strategic plans and execute the resulting initiatives
- Build staff skills to achieve process management self-sufficiency
- Capture, manage and share critical business knowledge

Central to Orion’s success in its mission is our unrivaled process management curriculum and capabilities. Each year we train more managers in process improvement techniques than any other firm. Our teaching skills are a key factor in the effectiveness of Orion’s consulting services. We believe the solutions for your business challenges must come from within. That is why we are structured to deliver targeted training, coaching and expertise rather than bombard your organization with consulting personnel. Orion’s clients experience long-term success because our methodology builds self-sufficiency.
Orion’s expertise and quality are recognized by universities from coast to coast; by foreign firms that seek process management certification and/or credibility; and by respected publishers. Indeed, even competing consulting firms have selected Orion to teach them process management.
Our Team
Finally, it is important to note that Orion’s ability to serve clients is built on the real world experience of our team. Orion’s instructors, advisors and experts hold, on average, fifteen years of professional experience prior to joining the Orion team. They have walked the mile in your shoes and have taught/guided other professionals in successful organization improvement efforts. We have no “junior” partners, no straight-out-of-school MBA graduates. Business leaders want and need to be guided by the “voice of experience.” Experience and a track record of accomplishment are two of Orion’s greatest assets.

Put your trust in Orion. Together, we can do great things.