Strategic Business Process Management Consulting and Training Since 1993
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Susan Williams

Susan WilliamsSusan Williams is a Senior Process Consultant for Orion Development Group. As a manager and consultant, she has more than 25 years of experience helping companies assess and improve organizational effectiveness.

In the corporate world, Susan Williams helped Xerox integrate quality into its marketing, profit and leadership strategies. She helped Xerox successfully prepare for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and design its Leadership Through Quality Training.

As a trainer and consultant, Susan Williams has been involved with successful process reengineering, quality improvement, and leadership development projects. Her customers in both the private and public sector have been inspired by her practical, experience-driven approach that delivers improved business results. Indeed, General Dynamics recognized Ms. Williams as “Supplier of the Year” for her design and delivery of their Total Quality Management and Process Action Team training programs. She consistently receives outstanding review from seminar participants. For example:

“Wow! Susan [is] one of the best presenters I’ve met. Thanks for making process management come alive.”

“Susan is a great instructor. . . .I have some process mapping experience. This course broadened that knowledge.”

“Susan was excellent! Great sense of humor with excellent listening skills.”

Ms. Williams’ corporate clients include Citibank, Central American Bank for Economic Integration, Chiron, Consumers Energy, Hospice of Michigan, Technology Federal Credit Union, and the Western Association of College and University Business Officers.

Ms. Williams received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of Connecticut and her M.A. in Organization Development from Loyola University.

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