Getting from Point A to B in business is usually more circuitous than a straight line. Here are 6 things to look for during process documentation.
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Process Doc Opportunity #6: Bad Inputs
Process mapping should not create more efficient “garage in, garbage out.”
Process Doc Opportunity #5: Handoff Issues
Handoff problems in business often go unnoticed by management
Process Doc Opportunity #4: Fixing Unbalanced Work
Lucy in the Chocolate Factory is a funny video and a great lesson in process management!
Process Doc Opportunity #3: Parallel vs. Sequential Processing
In business, the goal is to deliver value to your customers as quickly and cost effectively as possible. Sequential processing is bad for both business outcomes.
Process Doc Opportunity #2: Customer Variation
Customer Variation: When special exceptions become the norm and weigh down performance.
Process Doc Opportunity #1: People Variation
When different people execute the “same” process in different ways, consistency and performance suffer.
Preview: Six Opportunities to Look for During Process Documentation
Getting from Point A to B in business is usually more circuitous than a straight line. Here are six things to look for during process documentation.