Strategic Business Process Management Consulting and Training Since 1993
BPM Consulting & Training
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Some of Orion’s greatest successes have come in partnership with public retirement system leaders. We are proud of the organization-wide improvement Ohio PERS and Michigan ORS have achieved; we are also pleased to have helped these and other systems build sustainable continuous process improvement programs via training and coaching. Together we have built solutions that deal with:

  • More retirees to serve with the same or fewer resources
  • Development of self-service solutions
  • Lack of coordination across organizational and IT silos
  • Decreased head count due to attrition and funding cuts
  • Cultures that over-serve individuals at the expense of the whole
Our service offerings include:

Business Process Improvement and Lean

Orion has more than 20 years of experience applying continuous improvement methodologies (TQM, Six Sigma, Lean, Theory of Constraints) is a broad array of financial and public sector settings.

Enterprise Process Management

Cross-functional cooperation is essential to make process excellence sustainable. Orion is a globally recognized thought leader in process-focuses management practices.

Process Reengineering (Prior to IT Upgrades)

IT is the backbone of most pension system operations. A high percentage of expensive upgrades and new system introductions fail to deliver their potential due to inadequate process redesign. Orion is the best resource to help you get IT right the first time. 

Strategic Planning/Balanced Scorecard

Operational excellence will only deliver strategic success of business processes are linked to and supportive of the strategic plan.  Orion’s unique approach delivers the synergy you need quickly.

Training (Process, Project, Strategy, Business Analysis)

Working in conjunction with respected institutions across the United States (e.g. Michigan State University, George Mason University, etc.) Orion offers both individual skill seminars and professional development certificate programs. Click here to search by seminar topic or university for outlines and learning objectives.

Implementation Monitoring and Change Management

Creating an elegant business process or IT solution is half the challenge. Getting it successfully deployed requires project management and culture change expertise. Orion can provide third party experts to assure successful implementation. 

Orion measures our success by the sustainable business results achieved by clients like:


Assignment: Review and streamline existing processes ahead of a major IT upgrade and automation project.

Results: This project provided the foundation and business focus for the IT implementation that followed.  It also generated significant benefits in its own right, namely:
  • Capacity gains of 70.5 FTEs
  • 42% reduction in operational processes
  • Optimization of core process groups from 26 to 8
Full story coming soon.

Michigan ORS

Assignment: Perform a comprehensive review of existing processes, including review of organization structure, performance management and IT systems.

Results: This project was launched in anticipation of a significant increase in customers. Due to unexpected changes in the economy, the increase in customers was mild but ORS’ workforce was allowed to shrink by 30%. Thanks to the new process designs and governance, ORS was able to handle more customers with less staff. Simultaneously, customer satisfaction increased markedly thanks to operational improvements.  For the full story, click here.

Delaware Pensions

Through training and facilitation of pilot projects, Orion helped the Delaware Office of Pensions launch a continuous improvement initiative. John McCartney, Information Systems Manager, comments on the methodology and the benefits.

Methodology   Benefits   



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