Process Mapping Tip #9 – Validate and Socialize
Modern Analyst recently published our 10 Tips for Business Process Mapping. The ninth tip is a “hidden gem” that is overlooked by many consultants and business process professionals.
Validate and Socialize
Process validation is one of the most important steps in a mapping project. Too few consultants make the time investment. It is almost impossible to create a 100% accurate process map on the first pass, especially if not every stakeholder can be in the room (or on the Zoom meeting). Process validation enables all the team members and all the other stakeholders to review the work product and suggest changes. This not only improves accuracy, it drives engagement and buy-in.
Very often, stakeholders who were not in the room for as-is or to-be process mapping are suspicious of the outputs. It’s human nature. People don’t like to be “changed.” Giving those folks a chance to recommend corrections and add their own nuances and wisdom to the work product ultimately reduces resistance to your process and technology changes. It leads to better, more sustainable business results.
Process Validation is an integral part of every Orion process change engagement and is taught in Orion’s flagship seminar, Process Mapping & Systems Thinking.