Riding this Wave
Are you ready for the big one?
It is Friday so we can expect another huge number of new COVID-19 cases in the United States. Alarmingly, the case curve reminds me of a line from the movie Top Gun: We are going ballistic!
The curve portends tough times both on the public health and business fronts. (Take precautions for your family and friends!) Lockdowns are likely.
When it comes to business, this winter does not need to be a repeat of last spring.
Get your team ready to ride the big wave. Your goals should include:
- Increase the effectiveness of remote teams
- Optimize processes to deliver virtual services more efficiently
- Transform customer & supplier experiences so that your supply chain continues to operate smoothly even as public policy changes
Increase the Effectiveness of Remote Teams
Some people have adapted well and are thriving in the work-at-home-environment. Others have mastered remote busywork – they get small activities done but do little to create new value. Others are reaching Zoom burnout. This last group may be struggling with work-life balance, lack of social interaction, and feeling like they are just spinning their wheels digitally. Your business cannot afford another six months of survival mode; you need a spike in productivity. This won’t come from new technology – you have probably already made the right investments. It will come from helping your team leaders, managers and team members be better at virtual work. Since 2000, Orion has offered training and consulting in this discipline.
Optimize Processes
Many organizations have gotten by in 2020 via the heroic efforts of team members. These employees have gone the extra 2 miles to make sure products and services get delivered in the virtual environment. It is time to adjust these business processes so that heroism is not a factor. Orion is one of the world’s most experienced process improvement consultancies. We can now deliver this guidance and training online.
Transform Customer & Supplier Experiences
COVID-19 lockdowns affected how most organizations interact with their customers. The same goes for our upstream interactions with vital suppliers. We can’t serve customers unless we have a good way of getting the information and materials required by our business processes. Orion can help you transform the customer experience or the supplier experience.
None of us can wait for a vaccine to return business life to normal. Just like surfers, we cannot control the wave that is coming but we can pick the best path down its face.
Act Now. Prepare your team in 2020 so that 2021 does not begin with a Wipeout.