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Process Management in the Forensic Laboratory

This is a free one-hour webinar for Crime Lab Directors.

Crime labs across the country are being forced to do more with less due to heavy casework demands. According to the most recent NAS report on Forensic Science, labs need to create a path forward that focuses on continuous improvement and excellence.

Process Management is an excellent tool to foster continuous improvement while streamlining operations, reducing cycle time, decreasing operating costs and ultimately increasing the capacity of your crime lab.

Over the past several years, Orion Development Group, in partnership with the Midwest Forensics Resource Center, has been facilitating process improvement at forensic labs throughout the country. We want to share our experience and show you the way forward!

This webinar will include:

Your webinar facilitator is Robert Boehringer, the Executive Vice President of Process Management for the Orion Development Group (Orion), and author of The Process Management Memory Jogger.


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