Transforming the Patient Experience
Best Practices for Improving Patient/Family Satisfaction and HCAHPS Scores
Two-Day, In-Person Workshop or Four Virtual Half-Days
How to see healthcare through the patient’s eyes
Clinical outcomes have always been the most important measure of patient satisfaction. In today’s healthcare business environment, however, a more holistic view of patient engagement is demanded by the payers, patients and healthcare leadership.
This seminar will arm you with tools and skills to:
- Understand the journey from the patient’s perspective
- Rethink patient interactions
- Identify process or technology changes that will really matter to patients and their families
- Educate staff about patient “moments of truth“
- Implement measurable improvements to patient satisfaction
- Develop patient loyalty and an enhanced reputation
What You Will Learn
- Clarify the business imperative of non-clinical patient satisfaction
- Be prepared to compete with other providers
- Eliminate the root cause of current patient satisfaction issues
- Redefine the patient engagement model
- Apply new model to establish new, patient-focused norms
Seminar Outline
- The Expanding Definition of Patient Satisfaction
- Clinical outcomes versus HCAHPS
- Value-based purchasing
- Competition
- Define and Understand Patient Expectations
- Who is the patient?
- What other stakeholders (e.g. family) must we satisfy?
- When does the experience begin?
- Tools to define the expectations
- Tools to evaluate and prioritize the need
- Map the Patient Experience
- Reaffirm the experience boundaries
- Map the experience
- Tools to enhance the patient experience map
- Align the expectations to the experience
- Identify experience disconnects
- Evaluate and Close the Gaps
- Prioritize the gaps
- Determine root causes (Communication, Process, Policy, Behavior)
- Generate solutions to close the gaps
- Implement Solutions
- Addressing organization culture issues
Who Should Attend
This program is appropriate as a consulting engagement or training event for hospitals, medical centers, mid- to large size practices, and rehab/nursing facilities. Typical attendees include:
- VP or Director of Operations
- VP, Patient Services or Chief Patient Experience Officer
- Administrator
- Director of Nursing or CNO
- Director of Revenue Cycle
- VP of Strategy or Marketing
- Chief HR Officer or Director of Organizational Development
- VP or Director of Quality
- Chief Information Officer
- Leader or member of a patient experience team
Act now! Call Orion (800-510-2117) today to arrange a customized workshop for your leadership team or submit a question below.