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Essentials of Process Management Certificate Program

It is generally agreed a business process is a set of activities that converts inputs into an output that is of value to a customer. That’s simple enough on paper but not in real-life application.

Let’s face it, your processes are complex and the organization that was created to manage the complexities of day-to-day operations isn’t necessarily process- or customer-oriented. The processes that create value for your customers cross organizational silos. Conflicting priorities and perceptions impact process flow, efficiency and customer outcomes.

That is why business process management remains vital to the success of your business and your career. Process management enables you to eliminate the inefficiency that is built into most cross-functional processes while simultaneously improving customer satisfaction, thereby improving business results even in challenging economic conditions.

The Process Management Certificate Program series provides tools and techniques you need to regain and maintain a cross-functional focus that:

This program is intended for managers and professionals who influence operational performance and customer satisfaction.

Certificate Program Benefits

Participants in either certificate program will receive a:

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Essential of Process Management Certificate Program – Five-Day Outline

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