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Establishing A Process Culture

The Key to Making Improvement Truly Continuous

A 90-Minute Management Briefing

In every organization, business processes are the engines that create value for customers and society. Most organizations are structured around functions, not process flow. As a result, the “walls” of the organization shape corporate culture such that knowledge is not shared, customer value is sub-optimized, and personal success is detached from core process performance.

Process improvement programs like Lean and Six Sigma can deliver some measure of success. However, sustainable performance excellence requires a culture that is built around the value that business processes create for your customer, your member, your patient or your citizen.

This briefing will demonstrate the steps to successful culture change using a case study from an electric utility that transformed itself from traditional, command-and-control silos to a participative culture whose team members understand how cross-functional processes serve customers and fulfill their mission.

Establishing a Process Culture will show you:

  • The key barriers to ongoing process improvement
  • Approaches to maximize cross-functional synergy
  • A method for making knowledge sharing part of your culture
  • A case study from a process-based culture change success story
  • How Michigan State University’s programs can help you in this journey


You will benefit most from this program if you are a:

  • Leader in an organization that utilizes Lean, Six Sigma or other process improvement techniques
  • Manager whose customer satisfaction relies on effective cross-functional cooperation
  • Leader who is getting good but not great results from performance improvement investments
  • Business process owner or manager
  • Human resources or learning and development professional
  • Leader of an ISO, Process or Knowledge Management center of excellence
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