Project Management Certificate Series
Good project management is part of good business management. Today’s challenging business environment (tight budgets, fierce competition, demanding customers, tight labor market) is making project management more complex than ever for business executives and line managers as well as professional project and program managers. The truth is there is much more to successful project management than using GANTT and PERT charts. You need effective techniques to:
- Organize and Plan
“By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail.” - Manage Tasks and People
Effectively manage project teams - Control Risks and Costs
Stay within budget and avoid costly failures.
This comprehensive series delivers the full range of skills you need to manage projects that deliver good business results on time and on budget, regardless of project size or nature. The Series is comprised of three core courses and one elective. To complete the Series, a participant must complete three core courses within a two-year span and also complete one elective course in that time frame.
The core seminars are closely tied to key elements of PMBOK -the Project Management Institute’s Project Management Body of Knowledge. Orion is a PMI Registered Education Provider.
Each university certificate series program may vary the course selection. Please check with the university of interest to get a complete listing of their modules. Their website links can be found on our Seminar page under the university link.
What customers are saying about our Project Management Certificate Series:
“I thoroughly enjoyed each seminar offered in the certificate series. Each course was informative and useful. The presenters were very knowledgeable of the subject matter and treated everyone as professionals. I have highly recommended this (series) to my colleagues. Thank you Orion.”
Frank Costanzo, Manager Production Operations
Most of the seminars in our Certificate Series are approved for 13 PDU credits by the Project Management Institute (PMI). Registered Education Providers agree to abide by PMI-established operational and educational criteria, and are subject to random audits for quality assurance purposes.