Strategy Maps
How to Link Strategic Objectives to Operational Initiatives
A One-Day Seminar
Often times, corporate strategy is less than the sum of its parts. Strong initiatives linked with strategically focused operations should yield superior results. However, this linkage is not often achieved. As a result, different departments or projects work at cross purposes. Important, capability-building activities wither on the vine. Organization-wide performance flounders despite pockets of functional excellence.
Enter the Strategy Map.
A strategy map is a tool that enables an organization to articulate its strategy through a series of cross-functional cause-and-effect relationships. The strategy map:
- Forces the organization to think about how different pieces of the company must be aligned to achieve strategic goals
- Establishes how non-financial objectives can be translated into financial return
- Serve as an excellent communication device to both internal and external audiences
- Helps team members see how their day-to-day contributions impact big picture success
- Provides the building blocks for the Balanced Scorecard
The Strategy Map represents a breakthrough in the way operational performance and strategic progress are stimulated and managed. Put it to work for your organization. Act now! Enroll yourself and a team of key leaders today!
What You Will Learn
- Analyze strategic opportunities
- Evaluate your company’s strategic positioning
- Build a Strategy Map that clarifies how and why your seemingly disparate initiatives and resources can be leveraged to deliver “big picture” results
- Deploy strategy by executing performance improvement initiatives that are linked to the corporate vision and objectives
- Use your maps and scorecard to manage strategy
Seminar Outline
I. The Strategy-Focused Organization
- Background: the need to think strategically
- Linkage to the Balanced Scorecard
II. Types of Organizational Strategies
- Product leadership
- Customer intimacy
- Operational excellence
- Examples
III. Developing a Strategy
a. Customer Intimacy
- Identifying key customer groups
- System maps – mapping customer relationships workshop
- Solidifying key customer relationships
b. Operational Excellence
- Leveraging process performance Identifying strategic process gaps workshop
c. Product Leadership
- What is the “best” product?
- Key considerations
IV. Building a Strategy Map
- Generating key strategic data Identifying key themes
- The strategy map: linking key objectives workshop
- How to use the strategy map
- Tips for implementation
Who Should Attend
- Executive, manager or director accountable for both operational performance and achieving strategic objectives
- Senior executive responsible for making strategic decisions
- Chief Financial Officer or Controller
- Coordinator of a project-based improvement program such as MBO, Six Sigma or Lean
- Member of a strategic planning task force