Steve Wall
Steve Wall is the Public Sector Performance Improvement Practice Leader for Orion Development Group. He has more than 25 years of experience leading major improvement efforts for public sector agencies from the inside.
As a consultant, Mr. Wall has worked with dozens of states, counties, cities, and private sector organizations in the United States and Mexico to develop strategic plans, implement change, improve customer focus, eliminate waste and save money.
Mr. Wall was appointed to develop and manage state-wide efforts by five Governors in two states representing both parties. Mr. Wall served on two Governor’s Cabinets and worked with thousands of people at all levels of state government in directing programs that saved taxpayers over $700 million.
Steve Wall Discusses his Career and Favorite Lean Project
Mr. Wall was the founding director of Lean Ohio, which during eight years has implemented several hundred improvements, including over 100 week-long Kaizen events. These teams averaged more than a 50% reduction in both complexity (process steps) and process time. In numerous cases, time to get services dropped from months to days.
A nationally recognized expert, Mr. Wall has testified before subcommittees of the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate and the US Secretary of Labor’s Office as an expert witness on how to cut red tape and save money in government.
Mr. Wall is an examiner, judge and member of the Board of Trustees for the Partnership for Excellence, which serves Ohio, West Virginia and Indiana as their state’s version of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.
Mr. Wall is a certified Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt. He has served as a keynote speaker for numerous state and national conferences, and instructed workshops and seminars for more than a dozen colleges and universities.