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Gaining Buy-In


Getting great ideas off paper and into reality is the biggest challenge of process or technology improvement projects. Learn how to overcome the human factors that breed resistance to change. Key topics:

  • Clarifying the End State
  • Tools gain buy-in from people across your organization
    • Force Field Analysis
    • Communication Plans
    • Winners & Losers from Change
  • Overcoming common barriers

Run time is 75 minutes.

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Creating Organization-Wide Support for High-Potential Initiatives

“People don’t resist change; they resist being changed.”  It’s a management maxim.  And yet change management is often an exercise in informing people of what to expect after the solution has already been decided.  The art of true change management is persuading stakeholders to participate, commit to and ultimately own the future.  Gaining Buy-In addresses:

  • Clarifying the end of the rainbow
  • Tools gain buy-in from people across your organization
  • Overcoming common barriers

Run time is 75 minutes. Your instructor is Ralph Smith.