Mapping Strategy in Public Sector Organizations
How much time does the senior management of your organization spend thinking about strategy?
If your answer is “not enough,” consider yourself among the majority of public sector organizations.
Many are relatively new to the field of strategic planning, and those that have experience with it have had varying degrees of success. Often plans are created and then dutifully ignored until it’s time to start planning again.
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Related Seminar
Sponsored by universities throughout the United States, Orion’s one-day Strategy Mapping seminar is the de facto standard of the industry. Register for our seminars delivered by professionals who have “walked a mile” in your shoes, who demonstrate an impressive ability to relay practical information to help you improve your business.
Related Webinar
If you don’t have time for classroom training, but wish to gain the core message of our university-based seminars, Simplified Balanced Scorecard Development is a one-hour self-paced module designed to fit your time-sensitive needs.
Watch Ralph Smith, author of Orion’s strategic planning methodology seminar, as he discusses the value of Strategy Maps.